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I pride myself on being a leader with creative consulting, that I specialize in enhancing an organization's image and creating creative concepts to drive sales and increase profitability. My goal is to help businesses achieve their sales goals and grow their brand through innovative marketing strategies and effective branding techniques.


As an entertainment professional, I understand the importance of connecting with the Urban Gen X culture. My consultant techniques have years of experience in the entertainment industry and a deep understanding of the latest trends and market demands. This experience and insight allow me to provide my clients with strategies that are both current and impactful.


I believe that authenticity is key to success in today's market. As a professional consultant, I work closely with clients to develop strategies that reflect their unique brand identity and values. I understand that in order to effectively reach and engage with customers and companies, I must be genuine and authentic in my approach.


My experience as a consultant uses my extensive industry knowledge to create innovative marketing campaigns and generate creative concepts that drive sales and increase profitability. I offer a range of services, including brand development, marketing strategies, social media management, and event planning. My goal is to help businesses reach their full potential by connecting with their target audience and effectively communicating their brand message.


In addition to my consulting services, I also offer training and development programs to help companies stay ahead of the curve. My training programs are designed to help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies and to provide the tools and strategies they need to succeed in today's market.


I'm dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals and reach new heights. My commitment to authenticity, impactful strategies, and experience in the entertainment industry makes me the ideal choice for companies looking to enhance their image and increase profitability. Contact me to learn more about how I can help your business grow.


In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business to succeed. SOCIAL MEDIA platforms provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers and grow their brand. As a consultant with years of experience in social media marketing, I can help your business grow its internet presence and generate more sales.


Firstly, I can analyze your current social media presence and identify areas for improvement. From there, I can develop a customized social media strategy tailored to your business's unique needs and goals. This may include identifying target audiences, creating engaging content, and utilizing various social media platforms to reach your audience effectively.


Additionally, I can assist in managing your social media accounts and ensuring consistent brand messaging across all platforms. By consistently posting engaging content, responding to customer inquiries and comments, and monitoring your online reputation, I can help your business build a loyal following and increase customer engagement.


Moreover, I can help you track the success of your social media marketing efforts through metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and sales conversions. By continuously analyzing these metrics and adjusting your strategy accordingly, we can ensure your social media efforts are driving real results for your business.


Finally, I can offer guidance on incorporating social media advertising into your marketing strategy. Through targeted ads on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, we can reach even more potential customers and drive sales.


Overall, by partnering with me as your social media consultant, you can be confident that your business is utilizing the power of social media to its full potential, growing your internet presence, and generating more sales.


When it comes to creative BRANDING, there are several key factors to consider to ensure that your company's products, image, and business stand out from the competition. First and foremost, it's important to identify your unique selling proposition and ensure that this is reflected in your branding efforts.


This could include anything from your company's mission statement to the specific features and benefits of your products or services. Additionally, it's important to think carefully about your target audience and tailor your branding efforts to resonate with their needs and preferences.


This may involve developing a brand personality that is in line with your target audience's values and beliefs. Other important considerations for creative branding include choosing the right brand name, developing a memorable logo, creating a consistent brand message across all channels, and engaging in targeted marketing and advertising campaigns.


By taking a strategic and thoughtful approach to branding, you can ensure that your company stands out from the crowd and builds a loyal customer base over time.


Establishing a strong and effective MARKETING plan is crucial for any business looking to increase its reach and build a lasting impression on potential customers. A consulting service can help companies develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that takes into account the unique needs and goals of the business.


This may involve conducting market research to identify key target audiences and developing tailored messaging that speaks directly to their needs and preferences. The consulting service may also work to identify key marketing channels and tactics, such as social media advertising, email marketing, or influencer partnerships, that are most likely to resonate with the target audience.


Additionally, My service will provide guidance on how to track and analyze marketing metrics to ensure that the marketing plan is having the desired impact. The ultimate goal is to help companies create a powerful and impactful marketing campaign that will generate significant buzz and drive traffic to the business.


By establishing a strong and cohesive marketing plan, businesses can solidify their position in the market and achieve long-term success in the face of fierce competition. With the right consulting support, companies can build a marketing plan that not only reaches a large global audience but also sets them apart from the rest, leaving a lasting impression on customers and driving their business to new heights.


My IMAGING consulting service can help companies establish a distinct and orignal image that will be an invaluable asset in today's business world. This type of service typically begins by conducting a thorough analysis of the company's existing brand identity and reputation, as well as its target audience and competitors.


Based on this research, my consulting strategy can then develop a comprehensive strategy for building and promoting a compelling brand image that resonates with key stakeholders. This strategy may include a variety of tactics, such as developing a distinctive brand voice, creating engaging visual content, and leveraging social media and other digital platforms to connect with customers and prospects.


I also provide ongoing support and guidance to help the company maintain its brand identity over time, including monitoring its reputation online and offline and providing crisis management assistance as needed. Ultimately, by working with a consulting service that specializes in brand strategy and reputation management, companies can position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive marketplace, build long-term relationships with customers and stakeholders, and establish a powerful and enduring brand identity that sets them apart from the competition.



My consulting service offers businesses and individuals the opportunity to grow their customer base through creative conceptualization. With a team of experienced consultants, I can help businesses and individuals identify areas of growth and develop effective strategies to increase their customer base.


I offer a range of services including market research, branding, advertising, and public relations. By working with me, clients are able to tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise that can help them to better understand their target audience and develop effective marketing campaigns. My approach is centered on collaboration, ensuring that clients are involved in the process every step of the way.


Through a combination of creativity and data-driven insights, I can help clients to develop marketing strategies that are tailored to their unique needs and goals. Whether you're a small business looking to expand your reach, or an individual looking to build your personal brand, I have the tools and expertise to help you achieve your goals. With a proven track record of success, Jay Sommerville is the go-to consulting professional for those looking to grow their customer base and take their business or personal brand to the next level.

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